Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Little Pony

Last week, FAB and Former Roommate D. attended a hoity toity art auction and collection preview at Christie's as part of a benefit for the Arts Alliance. We figured it wouldn't hurt to haul our ass out of darkest Brooklyn and perhaps rub shoulders with moneybags and artists. Hey, maybe we'd snag a husband out of the experience. Silly, foolish FAB.

Behold our crush object of the evening.

Further Google research revealed that our mystery lover is a recovering alcoholic former cast member of the Real World Chicago. And, naturally, a gay*.


Way to pick 'em, FAB.

*What should have been obvious at the time had my libido not been blinded by numerous lemon-ginger vodka confections was that straight men do not a)attend art auctions at Christies and b)attend art auctions at Christies in smug, button-down, cable-knit sweaters.


  1. awww. alcoholic cough drops can really cloud one's judgment.

  2. haha. shut up. these were upscale cocktails, or, um, something.
